So, to store other types of things

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So, to store other types of things

Post by poxoja9630 »

JSON has no type definitions and lacks some features that might be useful: there are only strings, numbers, booleans, and null.

So, to store other types of things (like a date or time), we're forced to use a string-based convention. Despite its shortcomings, JSON is the most common format for APIs on the web, so we really need to find a way to work with it in Java.

Jackson is one of the most common Java libraries for JSON and it's V philippines mobile number example the one I use most frequently. For this article, I've chosen a fairly complex JSON document and three queries that I'd like to perform using Jackson. I'll compare three different approaches: Tree model Data link Path queries All the code used in this article is located in this directory .


It works with Java 8 and later versions. Other Java Libraries for Working with JSON For working with JSON, the most popular Java libraries are Jackson and Gson , according to usage rates in Maven Central and GitHub notes. In this article, I will use Jackson. You can also refer to an equivalent article with Gson code examples here.

You can take a look at some Jackson dependency examples here . Sample data and questions To find some sample data, I read the article Tilde recently wrote: 7 Interesting APIs You Didn't Know You Needed .

I chose the NeoWs API (Near Earth Object Web Service) from NASA's APIs . This API is maintained by the very brilliantly named SpaceRocks team .

The NeoWs Stream API query returns a list of all asteroids that will make their closest approach to Earth in the next 7 days . I'll show you how to answer the following questions in Java: How many are there? You can find this information by looking at the key element_count at the root of the JSON object.

How many of them are potentially dangerous? You have to loop through each NEO (near Earth object) and check the key is_potentially_hazardous_asteroid, which is a boolean value in JSON.

(Spoiler! It's not zero.) What is the name and speed of the fastest near-Earth object? Again, we need to loop, but this time the objects are more complex.
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