Mention of the target audience

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Mention of the target audience

Post by samiul123 »

State your target audience clearly in the headline or first paragraph of your text.

Example: “9 services for a self-respecting programmer.”

It attracts attention and forces the consumer to concentrate.

6. Advertising neologism
Come up with a new word/phrase that resonates with your brand.

Examples: "snickers", "chupsuisya", etc.

It is important that the new term has a positive emotional charge. For example, the idea of ​​"skittles" (an advertising campaign for Skittles candies) is highly questionable, since it evokes associations with a contagious disease.

7. Anaphora
Repeat the same sounds or words at the beginning of different sections of speech.

Example: “Give her a fur coat, give her a dream!”

This "trick" gives the copywriter a chance to duplicate the call to action without seeming too intrusive.

8. Epiphora
Repeat the same sounds or words at the end of different sections of speech.

Example: “Not just clean – spotlessly clean!” (Ariel laundry detergent advertisement).

This technique allows you to convey confidence and emphasize the inevitability of receiving the most positive result from purchasing a product.

9. Advertising antithesis
Compare the maximum benefits (from the consumer's point of view) with the minimum problems/costs (again, from the consumer's point of view).

Example: “Minimum calories – maximum pleasure!” (advertisement for a carbonated drink).

10. Chiasmus
Use the same words in both parts of your slogan, rearranging them to create a new meaning that benefits you.

Example: "Your money is paper. Our paper is money."

Such expressions attract attention and are well remembered due to their elegance and originality.

11. Rhyming slogan
Rhyming slogans are easy to remember. According to psychologist and whatsapp number south africa researcher Nick Kolenda, rhyme increases fluency. It causes fleeting pleasant sensations in a person that are associated with the content of the slogan or call to action.


This technique is used even by such market giants as Beeline

It should be noted that rhyming slogans are most often used to advertise hedonic and inexpensive products. A typical example is the slogan of the carbonated drink Mirinda that made a splash in the 90s: "Life is good when you drink slowly." Other techniques are usually used in advertising complex and expensive long-term products.

For example, we don't use this slogan we made up in our spare time:

"Marketing Up brings in a sea of ​​applications, joy for you, grief for your competitors!"

Due to the complexity of our services, we prefer to give you the opportunity to draw your own conclusions about our professionalism by reviewing our cases .
12. Alliteration
Use repeating or similar consonants in your slogan or call to action.

Example: “Buy a tour to Turkey!”

This technique adds expressiveness.
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