The level of work of an individual employee

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The level of work of an individual employee

Post by samiul123 »

complex intellectual problems for 8 hours non-stop.

According to research, the ideal work-rest cycle is 52 minutes of work at the computer and 17 minutes of break. However, in practice, this is difficult to implement. Therefore, it is worth using at least 1.5-2 hour work sessions with 15-20 minute breaks.

6. Use alarms, timers, specialized software for self-control. If you ignore this recommendation, you will not be able to organize any clear work schedule. Without a signal, you will either go headlong into work and torture your sore eyes for 4 hours without a break, or run for "smoke breaks" ahead of time.

7. During a work session, ignore the world around you. Don't pay attention to your smartphone notifications. Never sit on social networks at the same time. Such unjustified multitasking is expensive. You will need to switch back to work every time. You will spend 10 hours doing what can be done in 6.

8. If you work with music, give preference to musical compositions without words or at least in a language unfamiliar to you. It is better if these are hits that you have already listened to 100 times. The worst option is when you write a text and an unfamiliar song in a language you understand is playing nearby. One way or another, you will perceive its words, that is, be distracted from work.

According to a survey by the popular website, every second Russian prefers to work with music.

According to research, music can even increase efficiency in routine, monotonous work, as well as in complex, but highly automated operations. However, it is better to delve into the task in silence.

In general, it is better to give yourself an honest answer whether you need such "background accompaniment" in principle. Some people who claim that they always work well with music are actually deceiving themselves.

9. If you have a misunderstanding with a colleague, arrange a video call with them. When we chat, we strive to express our thoughts concisely. We don’t see each other’s facial expressions, we don’t feel the intonation in each other’s voices. But we get 60 to 80% of information from non-verbal communication!

Therefore, if you have a misunderstanding with one of your employees, the wisest decision would be to arrange a one-on-one video call with them. A video call is the closest thing to live communication. In fifteen minutes, you will exchange with each other a volume of information that would require ten pages in Word to express. This way, you are more likely to eliminate any omissions, misunderstandings, and resentments that often undermine the team from within.

10. Do aerobic exercise during breaks. Now, in conditions of whatsapp number malaysia self-isolation, many people will fall into the trap of a sedentary lifestyle, which will reduce the quality of their intellectual work. Don't be among them! According to a study by Australian scientists, just 20 minutes of aerobic exercise is enough to increase the neuroplasticity of the brain. The main thing is to pay attention to it regularly.


Who said that you can’t get a normal workout in an apartment?

11. Ventilate the room regularly. In self-isolation conditions, family members are constantly under the same roof. And if you also have a powerful desktop computer installed in a small room, it is even more necessary to open the window often. When the PC is working intensively, toxic triphenyl phosphate is constantly released. And you need oxygen to work effectively.

12. Create a work environment with anchoring. Don't let your home environment demotivate you. Create daily work rituals that will help you get into the business mode.

For example, before starting work, put on the same shirt, or drink the same drink. If your living space allows, set aside a special place for work. At worst, it can be the same kitchen table. The main thing is to sit at it not on the side where you usually have a carefree dinner in a cozy family circle.

Some time will pass and with the help of such simple “rituals” you will be able to create a working mood much faster.

The anchoring technique was used by many successful people who worked on a flexible schedule. For example, Mark Twain always worked in the same little shed, completely alone. He never went there in his free time. The cunning writer created a stable association for himself: "little shed-concentration-solving creative problems." Therefore, as soon as he entered his "workshop," his whole being was tuned to fruitful creative work.
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