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Claim campaign-specific hashtags

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2025 4:28 am
by Bappy32
Using hashtags strategically
So what are some recommendations? There are a number of ways to use hashtags strategically. For example, get involved in the most important news of the day. Whatever day it is, the most popular hashtags refer to the biggest (not necessarily the most important) news of the day. These hashtags are valuable hooks for your brand. Make sure you only do this with relevant hashtags.

Another way is to claim hashtags that are (campaign) specific for your brand south africa mobile phone number list Where social campaigns are often still focused on one channel (for example Facebook only), hashtags offer the possibility to extend campaigns across multiple channels. After all, Instagram is part of Facebook, and if an Instagram photo (including hashtag) is shared on the Facebook page, cross-channel hashtagging automatically occurs. An example of a cross-channel hashtag campaign is challenging fans or followers to share photos with a corresponding hashtag.