Now let's talk about the book

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Now let's talk about the book

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »

It is divided into four sections: Paradigms and Principles, Private Victory, Public Victory, and Renewal. Each section contains chapters related to the seven habits that are timeless, universal, and self-evident.

The general starting point: the inescapable fact that your behavior, both at work and in your private life, could be improved in many aspects, but few know how to achieve this and you will be one of them by the end of this reading.

Let's summarize the 7 habits:
Reactive people attribute their behavior to three fundamental factors: Genetic (characteristics we inherit), psychological (education, upbringing) or environmental (what surrounds us). These honduras phone data types of people live based on Newton's "Law of Action and Reaction": I receive a stimulus and I react by giving a response.

The language of reactive people is: I can't, that's the way I am, it drives me crazy, they won't allow it, it drove me crazy...

Proactive people understand that between stimulus and response there is a space where they find freedom to choose action according to their values.

Proactive people take responsibility. They are people of action. Their language is: let's examine our alternatives, let's look for a different approach, I control my feelings, I will choose the right response.
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