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Woman working in the digital sector

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2025 4:53 am
by ayeshshiddika11
The European Union has carried out a study, through Eurostat, to find out the reality it faces regarding gender distribution in studies related to ICT and the digital world.

Statistical results show that, in 2016, of the total number of students in this branch, only 17% were female in Europe and 12.7% in Spain .

However, the reality is not as alarming in our country as these data reveal. We must bear in mind that there are many careers that, without being called technological, have a lot to do with this field and their job opportunities are similar. This is the case of studies such as mathematics, engineering or statistics, among others.

The study carried out by Digitales does include these educational branches and the figures it provides show not only a large gender gap but also a decline in participation in this field in bosnia and herzegovina phone data general. Of the total number of graduates in Spain, in 2017 there were only 17.8% in higher technological studies, of which 15.2% were men and 2.6% women . There is, therefore, a difference of 12.6 percentage points, which means that very few women opt for technological studies .

Analyzing this data over time, it can be observed that in general there are fewer and fewer students in these branches , however, participation decreases much more among women, thus increasing the gender gap.

As we can see in the infographic, the evolution is not positive in any of the genders, but it is accentuated in non-university studies in the technological field , which show a very low general participation and a female participation that does not reach 8%.

The conclusions are clear: in terms of digital studies, Spain (like Europe) has a pending task: to give greater relevance to non-university higher education studies in the technological field on the one hand and to encourage female participation in general on the other.

Women in the digital workplace
women working in the digital field

According to the report Women on Digital Age published by the European Commission, women's participation in the digital labour market could lead to an increase in the productivity of companies and therefore of the country's economy. Inequality in this market, as in any other, has serious economic consequences.

According to various studies, teams created by both sexes are much more innovative. The presence of women in companies facilitates the creation of market strategies that are more relevant and adapted to society as a whole, which guarantees that women also feel identified. Of course, this translates into positive figures.

As in the academic field, the gap is still evident in the workplace. Although in Europe, having a degree in technology is practically a guarantee of employment due to the growing need in industry for professionals in these fields, the Women on Digital Age study showed that this is only true for men.

Digital employment has greater insertion