Is it possible to blog without passion?

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Is it possible to blog without passion?

Post by ariful199 »

Try to develop your own style. Not just when writing, but also when dealing with readers and other bloggers. If you are consistent here, you will be easily recognizable and stand out from the crowd of blogs. Independent appearance Of course, the appearance of a blog also plays a role in whether readers remember it and whether it stands out. Sooner or later, you will need a unique layout for your blog. If you use standard themes, no matter how beautiful they are, you have nothing visually unique.

As a result, no one associates a certain appearance with you and your blog and there usa whatsapp is no recognition effect. Of course, this also includes your own domain . As a subdomain with blog hosts, you are already part of the grey mass, but with a well-chosen top-level domain, you will be remembered. Unique content Once you have chosen a blog topic, you should also create original content. Content that is not available anywhere else.

So don't just repeat the news and articles from other blogs, but create unique content . If all the bloggers in my niche only write short articles, then I write longer ones. If all the bloggers write very technical articles, then I try to present the facts in a way that is understandable for ordinary mortals, etc. You should also be unique when it comes to other types of content , whether photos, videos, graphics, podcasts and so on.
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