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Imagine you want to understand if

Posted: Sun Jan 05, 2025 5:23 am
by fomayof928@mowline
What is data driven marketing? The second approach requires greater mental flexibility and superior data analysis skills. Looking for questions to the answers that you already have in the data means in some way letting the data itself tell you what there is to discover. For this to happen, automatic learning techniques are applied that often go under the name of Machine Learning . These data analysis methodologies involve three phases of analysis construction: the preparation of data (also called pre-processing ) to be "fed" to the interpretation model, to train it, so that it can learn to know our data the execution phase of the analysis the verification phase that will allow us to measure the accuracy of our interpretation model Here too, an example of digital marketing will help understanding.

Imagine you want to understand if one of your customers is about to leave you, to move to the competition or for other reasons. If you stop only at perception it seems almost impossible to explain such a personal uk phone number list choice by looking at simple data, right? However, the data can tell us, for example: How many times the customer contacted us by email in the last year How many times has the customer contacted us by phone in the last year how many times he called us to report problems How many times.

A have we found a solution to such problems? how many times the solution arrived in 1 day how many invoices did not pay within the agreed terms etc… A data interpretation model based on the Machine Learning technique can find weak correlations in the data between all or some of these indicators that would not be at all evident to a human eye.