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Clearly Identify Who You Are and Why You’re an

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 9:18 am
by zihadhosenjm90
Clearly Identify Who You Are and Why You’re an Expert (Work on Branding)
One way to establish your authority and expertise on your website is to show your audience (and Google) why you’re an expert in your field. A good about me page is very important to identify yourself and take ownership of your blog.

If you’re a website that has multiple contributors, a photog and bio bosnia and herzegovina phone number database including their credentials is helpful. Google wants to know that everyone who writes on your site is an expert in the things they’re writing.

On my blog, I show my expertise by showing exactly how successful my blog is each month in my blog income reports. In it, I share things like my monthly income, blog stats, and email subscribers.

I also show visitors on my main page why they should trust my advice by sharing my accomplishments. Here I show other businesses I’ve worked with (which helps show my authority).

Building Authority and Trust (E-A-T) with Homepage Features

I also have quotes from people who I’ve worked with that would be familiar to my audience.

And while you may not have the same kinds of industry connections today that’ll lend credibility to your name with a supportive quote, now is the time to start thinking about the people you’d like to build relationships with and eventually earn their trust.

Homepage Screenshot of Building Authority and Expertise with Testimonials on Your Website

Next on my homepage, I include another section showing why I’m an expert in two very specific categories:

ryrob Homepage Screenshot Examples of Google E-A-T Best Practices

Google wants to know who the person behind the blog or website is—and if they have the expertise to back up their work.