Free burgers at Burger King in exchange for gifts and photos of your “ex”

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Free burgers at Burger King in exchange for gifts and photos of your “ex”

Post by jrine »

Have you broken up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and want to get rid of the memories, photos, etc.? Does it bother you, every time you enter your room, to see that gift that he/she gave you for your last anniversary or birthday?

Burger King has the solution, it will exchange those gifts, souvenirs or photos for hamburgers, yes, as you read... but be careful, only for Valentine's Day .

This week is Valentine's Day. Although many people think it is an "invention" of shopping malls, its origins date back much further. Specifically, to the 3rd century.

Claudius II was the Governor of the Roman Empire; as he thought that young single men (and without children) would make better soldiers, he decided to prohibit marriages for them. But there was a priest in Rome who understood the measure to be totally out of place and unfair, and who chose not to comply with it and celebrate holy matrimony “in secret” .

He united young lovers, without considering the emperor's orders. This priest was called Valentine ... But the story did not end too well, as soon as these "clandestine weddings" were uncovered , the order was given to capture the priest and on February 14 (in the year 270), he was executed.

It has come to our days as a day when couples give each other flowers, chocolates, a special dinner, a trip... I'm not saying that large stores haven't known how to take advantage of the
iran telegram data date, but it is clear that at least it wasn't their direct invention.

An example, both original and daring, is that of Burger King . The American giant, in only a few cities in the USA (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Boston and New York), has decided to change its famous Whoopers to customers who deliver a photograph, farewell letter or gift from their ex-partner.

burger king valentine's day

The methodology is simple, through boxes that they have called “break-up boxes” , they will store the memories, stuffed animals, t-shirts, letters, photos… that the exes gave at the time “with a lot of love” . Once this action is done, they can pick up their hamburger.

Obviously, the brand does not include any other food, drinks, etc. and I would like to imagine that only one hamburger per person can be redeemed, which a recently separated couple of 25 years would have enough to feed half of Manhattan for that day.

There have been many critics of the brand, saying or asking the question of what does the brand get from the exchange of these memories? Surely, with the stuffed animals, after washing or whatever is necessary, they will make good use of them in solidarity , even with other similar gifts; but if you look closely, what they really want is publicity and impact . A clear example is that you are reading this article from anywhere in the world.

Strategies, in this case Seasonal Marketing because it coincides with a recurring celebration date, do not have to be a “win-win” . Sometimes, investment is made in branding, in brand image, in something so that other people do something they know how to do very well, “talk” .

Buzz marketing has become a tool that brands have under control; they know what will work best, when, how and why.

Brands have learned, now more than ever, to “lose-win” , to know that Marketing , Communication and Advertising can have an indirect ROI , they can obtain benefits after a while. Winning in branding to win in sales is a reality.
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