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Which types of content will no longer exist

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:42 am
by ariful199
Which content is outdated? Which content brings many backlinks? Which content generates a lot of comments or reactions on the social web? What content is missing or not sufficiently represented? Which content really generates revenue and which doesn’t? and more The list of factors is of course not exhaustive and it always depends on what goal you are pursuing with a content audit. It makes a difference whether your goal is to make money or whether you want to do community building, for example.

The two goals are not mutually exclusive, but depending on where your austria phone numbers example primary focus lies, the analysis will be a little different. What is the benefit of analyzing the content? What such an analysis of the content ultimately achieves depends, of course, on the goals you are pursuing. And of course you also have to put the findings of the analysis into practice. For example, the following content optimizations can increase visitor numbers, increase revenue, improve visitor retention and much more. The analysis and conclusions provide answers to questions such as.

Which types of content will no longer exist in the future? Which content can/should be deleted? Which content needs to be revised? What new topics should be added? What types of content do I want to publish more often? Of course, it plays a role how specific the analysis was. I have already mentioned that you can do a content audit at article level and look at each article individually. But you can of course also analyze your own content “from a little higher up” and proceed more strategically.