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Given the right channel

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 5:26 am
by phonedata
Be there for the long haul and don’t make decisions on the basis of short term wins. We have partnerships that have lasted over 14 years and many started out as small relationships that have flourished over time. Relationships don’t stay the same however and the status of a partnership needs continuous dialogue and to be reassessed on a regular basis. Contact between Apteco and its partners is an important driver in providing more involvement and sales. We measure cyprus phone number partners and ourselves on engagement rather than just revenues and this is used to reward partners with, for example, higher rankings on our website searches, and impacts on how we assign opportunities.

the right people, a good product/market fit, and a lot of patience, the channel sales model can be one of the most rewarding and profitable business models. Like everything though, in order to be successful, it requires commitment.

In this short post I’ll summarise different approaches to analysing text. The follow up article “Words Worth – Extracting Meaning and Sentiment from Textual Data” shows how to apply these techniques using FastStats.

1. Selection
Selection uses a query to count or extract all the text that includes a certain word, a set of words, or a wildcard pattern.

For example an airline might wish to count, prioritise and respond to any tweets that mention delay or delayed.

My text is from movie reviews but you get the idea. Of course this is most useful when you know the words that you are looking for.