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Color Personalities and How to Find One for Your Business

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:59 am
by messi71
Companies choose colors for their logo designs for a variety of reasons: to convey power or serenity, to create security or trust, or to create hunger or warmth – or simply because they like them. This decision can be based on a variety of reasons, from the owner’s favorite color to the color of their first car, but how important are they?

Consumers can make observations and develop attachments to a brand based on the colors in its logo. The Exciting Red and Competent Blue study looked at the role color plays in marketing and found that they influence consumer purchasing decisions based on brand architects mailing list perception. Don’t believe us? The name of the study gives it away, but try to picture the McDonald’s logo in green or the Delta logo in purple. They just don’t fit together well because you’ve become attached to the colors and the story they tell.

Here's a little insight into color personalities and the brands that use them:

Red: Coca-Cola, Disney, Netflix, Heinz, Toyota, Red Bull, Kelloggs

It attracts attention more than any other color and is associated with energy, strength, power, passion and love.

Orange: Gatorade, Amazon, Harley Davidson, JBL, Fanta

It represents enthusiasm, joy, creativity, determination, success and inspiration.

Green: Starbucks, Spotify, Animal Planet, Android, Tropicana, Monster

Often connected with growth, harmony, freshness and money. Green also suggests stability and strength.

Blue: Facebook, Dell, Ford, Visa, HP, Philips, Oral-b, Gap

As the color of the ocean, blue is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, wisdom, intelligence, tranquility and calm.

Yellow: Snapchat, Sprint, Bic, Shell, DHL, Hertz, Renault, Banco do Brasil

Associated with joy, happiness, intelligence, energy and attracts attention.

Purple: Yahoo, Orkut, Eudora, Curves, Whiskas, Milka, GNT, Vivo

It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, wealth and indulgence. Purple is often associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery and magic.

Black: Adidas, Sony, Chanel, Gillette, Honda

Associated with sophistication, power, elegance, prestige, authority and formality.

While there’s some evidence that color can influence purchasing decisions, choosing one shade over another without considering why it’s part of your brand can leave you wanting a new design in a few years. So when you’re brainstorming logo colors and designs, think about the context, mood, and image you’re going for: Sophisticated and elegant? Trustworthy and confident? Pure and simple? There’s no one that represents pure and simple better than Apple with its white, bitten-off apple image, and looking at brands you admire is another great way to find inspiration.