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Marketing books you must read (2025)

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:58 am
by nurnobi25
There are a million marketing books on the market whose authors claim that they will help you create a marketing strategy that will lead to increased sales for your business.

While it's probably possible to read at least something smart and useful in every book, if you're just starting to explore the world of marketing, it's best to stick to well-known and influential books that are widely respected in the communications industry.

Below, we bring you recommendations for ten books on marketing that will certainly deepen your knowledge of this field and help you implement that knowledge in your business and personal life.

Top 10 books on marketing
Marketing books – conclusion
Top 10 books on marketing
1. Propaganda – Edward Bernays

This almost century-old book earned Edward Bernays the title of “father of public relations ,” and in it the author explains how a small number of influential people can influence public opinion and the behavior of the masses through effective communication. Bernays, who was Sigmund Freud’s nephew, was among the first to point out the enormous influence of human psychology on individuals’ spending habits, as well as on their political attitudes.

It is an old book, but the principles Bernays discusses are timeless, even though the communications industry has changed significantly since then. This is why reading this book is very useful for all those working in the fields of marketing and public relations.

2. Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion – Robert Cialdini

This book will tell you all about the psychology behind people saying “yes” to an offer. Cialdini's book is considered one of the most influential in the world of communications (appropriately, given the name) and should definitely not be skipped when making a list of the best books in marketing.

In this book, the author outlines six basic principles that lead people to agree to a certain offer. Reading the book will therefore not only make you a better marketing expert, but will also teach you how to "defend" yourself against these principles in your personal life.

3. The 1-Page Marketing Plan – Allan Dib

This book, which has quickly become very popular in entrepreneurial circles, shows us that creating a marketing plan does not necessarily have to be a long and demanding process.

The author assumes that not everyone has the time or money to create a detailed professional marketing strategy, but that they don't need one either. All that is needed is to put the plan on one page divided into nine squares and in this way, using the "lean" principle, save time, but not the quality of marketing.

4. Alchemy – Rory Sutherland

In this book, author Rory Sutherland, a long-time director at Ogilvy, one of cp number the most famous marketing agencies in the world, explains in a humorous and interesting way why marketing experts should not stick to the conventional "laws" of economic science, but should use behavioral principles and evolutionary psychology more in their approaches.

The author introduces the concept of "psychology" which explains why individuals make the decisions they do and emphasizes the importance of focusing on the subconscious, not just the mind.

5. Ovo je marketing (This is Marketing) – Seth Godin

One of the most popular books on marketing that provides insight into the basics of what marketing actually is and how to use it in a way that will bring results, but also give you a sense of satisfaction, not shame.

The book touches on the importance of storytelling in marketing , building trust in your brand, solving the problems of your target market, and much more that is useful to know when doing marketing.

6. Pozicioniranje (Positioning) – Al Ries & Jack Trout

This book will teach you how to position your brand in the market and differentiate yourself from the competition in the eyes of consumers. The authors explain how to take a position of market leader and how to maintain that position, despite attempts by competitors to copy.

The book focuses on the importance of branding and provides insight into many case analyses of successful and unsuccessful positioning throughout history that will help you create your own strategy.

7. Faster, Smarter, Louder – Aaron Agius & Gián Clancey

This book on marketing is especially useful for owners and employees of marketing agencies , as the authors are themselves owners of an agency and in the book they describe their journey from a small company to a well-known global agency.

The authors touch on digital marketing and how brands can leverage technology for marketing purposes. In today's world, such advice is very useful.

8. Hakiranje rasta (Hacking Growth) – Sean Ellis & Morgan Brown

Most companies aim to grow and expand their influence and market share. This book provides advice on how to achieve this, but in a faster, simpler and more effective way, using marketing principles that have already been implemented by many global companies that had humble beginnings.

This book is therefore especially useful for new entrepreneurs, but also for anyone working in companies that have a short-term goal of expanding into new markets or taking a larger share of an existing market.