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Process Mining: Automated Business Process Analytics

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:09 am
by Mimakte
What are we talking about? Process Mining is an automated system and tool that allows you to analyze a company's business processes and identify their imperfections, errors, and factors that slow down the processing of incoming requests.

How to implement? Implementation of automated analytical systems is a complex algorithm. It involves, first of all, choosing a suitable solution, describing the process, collecting and analyzing data, and, finally, launching.

In this article:

Process Mining: What is it in simple words
Tasks Solved with Process Mining
Benefits of using Process Mining technology
How does the Process Mining methodology work?
Data sources for Process Mining technology
Stages of implementation and configuration of Process Mining tools
Process Mining Solutions in Russia
Examples of using Process Mining technology by foreign and Russian companies
Prospects of Process Mining Methodology
Frequently Asked Questions about Process Mining

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Process Mining: What is it in simple words
Process Mining (PM; Russian: "deep process analysis") is a set of italy business mailing list methodologies and tools aimed at researching and improving business operations by studying event logs in information systems.


Let's take a look at how these innovative technologies are helping businesses improve productivity in practice and why the field of process science is becoming increasingly relevant in today's business landscape.

Imagine you are a manager. A common way to improve a business is to hire consultants who survey employees about how they are doing their processes. Then, based on best practices and industry insight, they suggest changes that, ideally, will be beneficial.

This approach was considered the only possible one for a long time. But with the development of technologies, new Process Mining tools have emerged that can revolutionize business process management.

Process Mining what is it in simple words


However, the traditional approach has significant shortcomings that are successfully closed by Process Mining solutions. In large companies, it is physically impossible to interview all employees; something may be missed or intentionally hidden. And even if there are approved instructions, there is no guarantee that they are relevant, that the process options are fully covered, especially in rare cases. Process Mining companies develop software that helps overcome these limitations.

Therefore, traditional PM systems and BAM solutions (business activity monitoring) are not always effective - they require a reliable formal model of the process at the input. This implies the need to conduct interviews, create a model and detail the sequence of operations.

As a result, only basic procedures are usually documented, resulting in minor efficiency improvements, after which the project is considered completed despite its limited impact. Russian Process Mining systems also face these problems, but are actively developing innovative approaches to solve them.

In addition, even the created model is not eternal. Business changes, and processes follow it. A model that reflected 90% of the information yesterday may correspond to only 60% in six months. This creates a need for constant updating and adaptation of models, which is made possible by the Process Mining sphere.

This is where the idea of ​​automatic process model recovery comes from. However, this is not an easy task: the stages of procedures are not always linear, their order can change. Processes have branches, include cycles, such as, for example, iterations of documentation approval.

Process Mining what is it in simple words


These periods can be multi-level and contain parallel operations. Until recently, there were no algorithms capable of reconstructing such complex processes. Process Mining training is becoming increasingly popular, as professionals in this field need to deeply understand the complexity and multifaceted nature of business operations.

PM methods can effectively replace the consultant's functions (provided that personnel activity is recorded in digital systems). As a result, management acquires tools for detailed and accurate analysis of business operations at all levels, using special tools for in-depth process research.

The key benefit is the ability to perform such analysis continuously, as opposed to the episodic checks typical of standard manual auditing. The user sees both the time spent on the operation and the progress of the process, including the changes made. This information helps to better understand what needs to be transformed to improve the company's efficiency.

Process Mining is not a tool, but a whole philosophy of business process management based on data and objective analysis. Companies that master these technologies today are laying the foundation for success in the future, where flexibility and the ability to quickly adapt will become key factors for survival in the market.