Additionally, if you have a standard Google Analytics account, you can have up to 20 custom dimensions. Google Analytics 360 customers can create up to 200 custom dimensions.
How do you create a custom dimension in Google Analytics?
Creating custom dimensions can be quite technical. If you're not familiar with Javascript or Google Tag Manager, you may want to have your developer set it up.
To get started, make sure you have Google Analytics Enhanced Ecommerce enabled. This will give you access to several ecommerce-specific reports, such as Overview, Product Performance, Sales malaysia email database for sale Performance, Transactions, and Purchase Time.
Next, go to Admin → Custom Definitions → Custom Dimensions.
Then, select → New Custom Dimension.
Now, you can add your custom dimension, such as Out of Stock Products, and choose the scope.
There are 4 scope options to choose from:
Hit – this is the broadest option and applies to any page view or event that takes place
Product – this applies to a single ecommerce visit for a product
Session – this applies to all visits over a session duration