WeChat Advertising Formats for Video Accounts

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WeChat Advertising Formats for Video Accounts

Post by yamim222 »

WeChat’s video area also goes by the name of “Channels”.

WeChat Video Accounts closely resemble TikTok accounts, where users can upload short videos that are viewable by both strangers and their WeChat friends. Popular videos on this platform have the potential to gain extensive viral exposure.

Promotion Goals for Video Account Ads

Video Account ads are useful for promoting your Video Account or building your brand.

s can be shown on videos in two places:

As an overlay on the bottom of the video.
In the video comments area.
WeChat Advertising Formats for Video Accounts (Channels Ads)

Note that the videos can act as traffic destinations. This means you what is whatsapp number in philippines could place an advertisement in Moments or other locations that directs users to view your video content.


WeChat Video Account Ad Purchase Models

Advertisements can be customized for achieving high exposure levels to rapidly boost the popularity of a Video Account (using a CPM model), or performance-focused advertisers may opt for a bidding placement mode to efficiently garner more specific traffic (using a CPC model).

Additionally, there’s a third approach akin to influencer marketing. WeChat offers an advertiser/creator matchmaking system, enabling advertisers to financially engage creators to produce videos on their behalf.

WeChat Mini-program Ads
Mini-programs within WeChat are essentially lightweight apps. They are us
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