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Their colors are eye-catching

Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 5:26 am
by hasan018542
and their agile bodies are quite graceful when gliding through the water of their pond. A group of Koi can live for more than two hundred years when cared for properly, although 25-35 years seems to be an average lifespan. Long Lived Fish Need Plenty of Room Since it lives such a long time, the Koi is able to increase in size dramatically, as long as it has a good diet approved for Koi, the proper water conditions, and enough living space. It is not difficult to care for Koi, as they require most of the same care as other fish kept by hobbyists.

The main difference is that Koi require lots of room, so they are houseduk business email database in good-sized outdoor ponds. Intelligent and Friendly Koi are intelligent fish, and their antics can be a source of amusement for many years to come. Koi will swim over to you when you call them, and like to be stroked and petted. They can be taught to eat out of your hand, which most Koi owners thoroughly enjoy experiencing. Though they are naturally bottom feeders, they quickly catch on to eating traditional dry Koi food that floats on top of the pond water.


watch my video below on how to tame koi fish how to teach them to be hand feed Bet You Can’t Own Just One Many Koi owners compare owning these fish to eating a bag of potato chips, as it is almost impossible to have just one of them. Your Koi collection can be for your own pleasure, or you can build a Koi business out of your passion for these fish. A business of this type necessitates a long-term commitment from you, as you are working with living, breathing creatures, which deserve the best of care.