The opponent's goal is to confuse you, to cause some kind of cognitive dissonance. While you are confused, it will be easy for the manipulator to break your boundaries and force you to act against your interests. It is important to understand that people rarely do such things consciously.
They usually learn this in childhood, from the indonesia telegram database example of how they themselves are manipulated by parents, teachers and other significant adults. A person remembers how being vulnerable can throw someone off balance, and in the future, they act the same way. A skillful manipulator intuitively knows how to hurt you, so that his words sound in unison with your inner convictions - and make you doubt yourself, your values.
Why does this work? The thing is that in our heads there is a constant resistance with our internal manipulator. It says that no one will buy your goods for that kind of money, that you are worthless and not trying hard enough, and that “my mother’s friend’s daughter” is clearly more worthy than you.
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