According to studies by eMarketer,

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According to studies by eMarketer,

Post by tanjimajuha20 »

with fewer and fewer people shopping in physical stores, some 22.6% of total retail sales will be conducted online by 2027. There are currently around 2.71 billion mexico telegram online shoppers worldwide – a figure that’s anticipated to rise to 2.77 billion in 2025. The International Post Corporation reveals that 34% of shoppers shop online at least once a week.

Clearly, now is a great time to be in eCommerce, with purely digital players enjoying a head start over more traditional businesses which have yet to fully embrace the concept of internet and mobile shopping. In fact, Forbes advises companies to maximize their online presence and give customers a viable way to shop online, rather than continuing to invest in brick-and-mortar real estate.

However, simply having an online presence is not in itself a recipe for success. ECommerce offerings need to be tailored to their target market, if your organization is going to attract sales. For example, with consumers aged 18 to 34 being the most frequent social media shoppers, companies looking to capture this demographic need to take into account the preferred platforms and methods of engagement of these potential buyers, if they are to effectively connect with customers.
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