These are not just Facebook tools for experts: some features are for everyone . Here is an updated selection with the most interesting options for an alternative use of the social network. 1. Facebook Activity Log If you are involved in social media marketing or, more generally, you want to have a quick summary of the content posted (both from a fan page and from a personal account), just click on the Facebook profile image (top right), select “settings and privacy” and “activity log”.
From here you can check : published posts (photos, videos, texts, status updates); interactions (including likes, reactions and comments); the content they've tagged you in and the activities bahamas number data you're doing; the activities of the groups or events created; your profile information; searched accounts and connections with friends and other businesses; videos and posts watched; access with various devices. Tip : For a faster path, type “/allactivity” (without spaces) at the end of the page URL. You will see an address like this: facebook.
com/BeeSocial.WebMagazine/allactivity (ps. you will not see the result of this specific link that we have indicated as an example, to do so you should be a page manager or profile owner!). 2.your user profile with that of a friend , to verify your relationship. Or better yet: create a mix of photos, statuses and other interactions with the person in question. What's the point? Well.