What is the future of the labor market:

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What is the future of the labor market:

Post by ayeshshiddika11 »

I have the feeling that a lot has changed in 5-7 years. We are in the middle of the digital era in which new jobs, ways of working, selling products, careers are being created…

Many people look at this with fear, as if people were going to lose their jobs because of new technologies and the automation of tasks.

Things just change and you have to adapt, I think it's a good time.

Another big change is that before there france phone data was a tendency towards specialization, today on the contrary, multitasking profiles are sought, you have to multiply your skills.

Is there a perfect career path?

Perfection does not exist, there will always be stumbling blocks that are very necessary for learning. We must not miss the opportunity to work and gain new experiences, the key to everything is to know ourselves, to know what our strengths are, once we have discovered what we are good at, we must enhance it (with training), we will be much happier at work and in the end the weak points go unnoticed.

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Category: Entrepreneurship
Tags: employment entrepreneurship interviews
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