I even passed the baton of building the weekly page to another designer on the team, once the template was ready and easy to replicate. At this time, The Beat was consolidated. We went from less than 15,000 subscribers adding native audiences in Portuguese, English, and Spanish, to a community of more than 90,000 professionals around the world who follow what matters most in marketing, content, and sales on a weekly basis with us. In December 2022, I took over The Beat again. And after a year, it was time to officially revisit our newsletter’s base template and understand what still made sense, and what could be improved.
The Beat 2.0 We published the new version of The Beat in January 2023. Our main goals taiwan phone numbers with this optimization were to improve the mobile experience and have a template that was easier to update on a weekly basis. What has changed: The mobile version has been 100% redesigned. Font, spacing, menu… The desktop layout has also been optimized. Now, in most articles, we work with two columns. In the side menu, we added a “sign up” button. We kept the different sections of the newsletter with articles, interviews, podcasts, and quotes of the week.
We’ve also standardized and optimized the use of tags in The Beat. In the previous version, some edits were tagged and some weren’t. Tags are how we can map and understand interactions within a creative in Ion. With an example it is easier to understand, right? 1 – Most read article 2 – In the menu, which article was the most clicked 3 – In the quiz, we want to know which alternative had more clicks We changed the “Quote of the Week” section, as it was too complicated to find high-quality photos by the authors.
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