When you’re ready to use multi-step forms to hire offshore developers or any other IT roles, following a strategic process is crucial. Here’s a step-by-step guide:
Step 1: Start with Basic Candidate Information
Begin by asking for the candidate's name, email, and phone number. It’s best to keep these questions simple, as the goal is to initiate engagement without scaring away potential candidates.
Step 2: Add Targeted Questions Based on the Role
If you’re looking to hire dedicated Python engineer database developers, for instance, include questions about their technical expertise. Here, you can ask:
a. How many years of experience do you have with Python?
b. What Python frameworks are you proficient in (Django, Flask)?
c. Have you worked in a remote development team before?
These specific questions help you gauge whether the candidate is suited for the project before moving forward.
Lead Generation tactics
Step 3: Use Conditional Logic for Dynamic Form Fields
Conditional logic allows your form to adapt based on the candidate’s previous answers. For example, if a candidate indicates they have 5+ years of Python experience, you can skip basic questions and dive straight into advanced ones.
Step 4: Include Skill Assessments (Optional)
Including skill assessments or asking for GitHub links and code samples can further filter out unqualified candidates. Many companies use assessments to determine the developer’s real-world problem-solving abilities.