What is a Blog Link (Permalink)? A blog link

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What is a Blog Link (Permalink)? A blog link

Post by zihadhosenjm80 »

What is a Blog Link (Permalink)?
A blog link (sometimes called a permalink) is a URL that links to a specific blog post.

Here’s an example:

My homepage is ryrob.com
A link to one specific post on my blog is ryrob.com/how-start-blog
You can see that link here in the browser’s address bar:

The permalink (blog link) to a specific post on the RyRob.com site, shown in the browser's address bar
Tip: “Link” is short for “hyperlink”. These days, most people algeria phone number resource say “link”. Both words mean the same thing.

When your blog is brand new, you might only have 1 or 2 posts. It’s easy to just tell people, “Check out my latest post” and send them to your homepage.

But that doesn’t work when you have 10 posts, or 20, or 100. Your homepage likely only shows a few of your most recent posts, or perhaps a list of your most popular posts.

That’s where permalinks come in. A permalink permanently links to your blog post. Someone can visit that link today, or next year, and they’ll get your post.

If someone finds your post through a Google search, the link they visit is that permalink—not your blog’s home page.
If someone shares your post on social media, the link they share is the permalink.
If you want to share your post with your email list, the link you send them is the permalink, so you can drive traffic straight to that post.
That means that your permalink is important. Sometimes, people will just see the title of your post (as a clickable link). But sometimes, they’ll see the actual URL for the post, so you want it to make sense.
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