Furthermore, the initial data was structured purely as a set of matches. In the analysis here I’ve been interested in the results of teams so have restructured the data in a team->match format. This has made some analysis much easier, but also had some implications in terms of structuring the data.
The complete system has information on over 1,200 teams and over 330,000 matches.
In this blog post we’ll concentrate on international football results. We may return back to analysing league match data at the start of the next football season!
Only a subset of the above data is cyprus mobile numbers going to be used in the following analysis. The relevant data comprises international matches ranging from 1872 to June 1st 2016. During that time, a total of 244 teams have played nearly 78,000 matches. The first international matches were between England and Scotland, and gradually over time other countries started playing matches. Surely we should expect that England have played the most international fixtures? Here’s a cube showing the teams with the most matches.
Teams with the most World Cup matches
Sweden! That’s not a country I would have guessed to be top of the list. Since their first match in 1908 they’ve been playing on average 9 matches a year with a high of 19 in 1994.
Let’s try something a bit different, and look at how teams actually got on in the matches they played. Here are the top 10 teams ordered by their win percentage.