The more complex the process, the higher the risk that the customer will refuse to make a purchase.
Potential customers often leave if the order form is too long or requires unfamiliar data, such as postal codes. It is in your best interest to simplify the order form as much as possible and minimize the number of required fields.
The sales funnel also changes as business processes change. For example, the emergence of new payment methods for orders.
Hypothesis testing and forecasting
Funnels can be used for:
formulating a hypothesis and testing it - for example, adding new distribution channels, testing advertisements;
creating a plan for the sales department based vietnam telegram on the number of requests for the previous period.
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Alexander Kuleshov
Alexander Kuleshov
General Director of Sales Generator LLC
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Sales Funnel Stages
In specific business areas, with different products and specific target audiences (TA), sales funnels may differ in the number of stages. But in any case, the classic AIDA model is the basis. It consists of four basic stages and remains unchanged regardless of how you interpret it:
Attention — attention. This is the first and most numerous stage. It contains all potential customers who were interested in the company or product. For example, those who saw a store sign or an advertisement on a website.
Interest — interest. At this level, all people who not only paid attention to the product, but also became interested in it are taken into account. For example, those who came to the store to buy something from the goods on sale, or looked through the catalog on the site to get acquainted with the characteristics and prices.
Desire - desire. Here are potential clients who have already found a product that suits them in all respects.
Action — action. This is the last of the main stages. People become clients of the company, that is, they pay for the purchase in the near future.
But that's not all. As the business develops, the sales process is not limited to the classic four-stage model. Three more stages are added to the funnel when customers come for a new purchase.
Sales Funnel Stages
Repeat sales:
Reevaluation - As people become more experienced with the product they bought, they may want to try alternatives. If they like your product, there is no need to look for a new one.
Loyalty - loyalty. This stage occurs when satisfied customers return and want to purchase another product/service.
Advocacy — advocacy. Here we are talking about a client who is not only very happy with the company/product, but is also ready to share positive impressions about it: tell friends, leave or write a review on the Internet, and so on.
Let's talk separately about the key stage of the sales funnel (KEF). Why is it called that? Because this stage determines whether the deal will be implemented or not. At the key stage, potential clients understand all the advantages of the product, know why they need it, and decide to purchase. For a manager, this step of the sales funnel is important, as it can close the last objections.
In different areas, the EEC can be completely different. For example:
cleaning company - inspection of the facility directly by the manager;
custom-made kitchens - taking measurements of the customer's space;
clothing sales - fitting.
The KEV can be determined in accordance with the conversion rate. The key stage has the highest conversion rate to payment. After determining this stage, it is recommended to work hard to increase sales in it.
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