learning languages;

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[email protected]
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learning languages;

Post by [email protected] »

Also, an increased academic scholarship for scientific activity may be awarded:

for awards for scientific research work;
documents on the right to the result of intellectual activity (patent or certificate);
grants for the implementation of scientific research work;
giving presentations at conferences, etc.

In conclusion. A reminder on how to get an increased scholarship
What do we have in the end? If you want to receive a scholarship for science, it is better to start doing it as early as possible. Already in the first year, it is worth deciding on the topic of research and agreeing with a scientific supervisor who is ready to help (there are many such teachers, because this also gives them many advantages). In the case of sports achievements, you need a coach for a specific sport who will help in preparation and participation in competitions. For social and creative activities, a mentor is not required. In general, everything is the same - you need to take part in events and competitions more often, try to take prizes.

So, what is needed for an increased scholarship:

In your first year, decide what you want to do: sports, science, creativity, community work.
Pass your exams without any Cs, or better yet, with only A's, especially if you plan to receive a scholarship for successful studies.
Participate in competitions, conferences, olympiads, significant events - depends on your talents and the direction you have chosen.
Fill your portfolio with certificates, letters of thanks, medals, taiwan phone number certificates and other documents confirming your achievements.
And remember. When assigning a scholarship, achievements for at least the previous semester are usually taken into account. Certificates and diplomas should not be outdated. No one will assign a scholarship for an Olympiad won 5 years ago. You need to be a "successful" student here and now, or at least for the last 1-2 years. In most cases, certificates older than 2 years are not considered. Be sure to take this into account when preparing your portfolio.you can gain new knowledge and skills remotely, without leaving your home. In conditions when many are in distance learning or work , this is very convenient. So that you do not suffer in your search, we have selected for you the best educational platforms, where you will find all the most interesting and educational.

The Coursera platform is one of the most popular platforms with courses for distance learning, both in Russian and in foreign languages. There is a division into topics and skills:

data science;
computer science;
personal development;


information Technology;
social, natural and technical sciences;
Humanities and Arts.
Coursera offers courses from foreign universities, large companies like Google or IBM. The platform offers a free trial period of 7 days, after which a monthly subscription fee is charged. The cost depends on the specific area. There are programs for 2000-3000 rubles per month, as well as more expensive courses.
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